Join us beginning on February 6 and most Thursdays following Noon – 2 p.m. With Dr. Mike Hogue of Euclid

February 6, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
Mike Hogue's Book Feedback & Discucssion

Join us beginning on February 5 and most Thursdays following Noon – 2 p.m.
With Dr. Mike Hogue of Euclid Av UMC

Come on Thursdays beginning February 5 to the church parlor and look at what’s happening in our world today,
as Dr. Mike Hogue shares some of his ideas in the latest book he’s writing.

Mike welcomes our thoughts, insights, and examples, not wanting this book to be just a scholarly tome, but a helpful read to everyone as we all struggle thru these days of strife and uncertainty.

Your insights and perspectives are welcome, come and enjoy.